50 Lamps to Take Away – the exhibition
The entire range of lamps is exhibited in Copenhagen from December 1st to 17th 2017. Please come by if you are in the neighbourhood.
The entire range of lamps is exhibited in Copenhagen from December 1st to 17th 2017. Please come by if you are in the neighbourhood.
God idé.
Hvor er udstillingen, og er den åben på onsdag, den 13. dec.?
mvh. Bent Jensen
Hej Bent,
Udstillingen er i Bredgade 66, 1260 København K – alle dag undtaget mandag ml. 12 og 17 indtil d. 17.12
Kom ned og kig 🙂
this is a very interesting project,
where does this exhibition take place?
I am a digital printer with a digital cutter as well in Hedehusene.
Maybe print could be added to the lamps.
I will try to print some on 0.8 mm PP /polypropulene and cut them.
The exhibition is in Bredgade 66, 1260 Copenhagen K. We’re open from 12-17 all days except Mondays until the 17th of December.
Cutting the lamps in PP is definitely an option 🙂